Monday 23 April 2012

Completion of the Warwick Skills Portfolio Award

I have just sent in my 1000 word final blog entry for the Warwick Skills Portfolio Award and I am feeling pretty pleased with myself at completing this.   I have enjoyed all of the courses and I have taken something away from each and every one of them.  Although the award is completed I will continue to attend workshops that I feel will benefit me and yes fellow students you will all know about these workshops when I put them on Facebook!!!! (hehe)

Saturday 21 April 2012

Year 2 with Lin

It is hard to believe that we have talked about Year 2. 
Year 2 with Lin in this order
10 weeks masculinities
10 weeks ICT
5 weeks research

Year 1 is nearly completed and what an achievement.  It has not been without its ups and downs, however I am still 100% that this course was and still is the right decision for me. 
So not many weeks left of year 1 so here is to a successful year 2 with some fab friends!!!!

Presentation Tools

Thought I would blog these as I do not have the time to really look into these at the minute, but they may come in use for the next presentation.  Many thanks to Ihar Ivanhou for sharing these with us.

I really like the idea of recording/using someone elses voice to record and play back your presentation, the pressure of standing up and presenting is taken away with the use of this tool helloslide    .

Slideshare is somewhere we can share our presentations on the web

also screener where you can record your voice but in addition you can record yourself as your talking so your image can be seen

Blogger award actually should read Facebook Award!!!

Well what a lovely surprise I had on Friday in Lin's class when I won a bottle of perfume because I communicate lots.  When I told my daughter she did not understand so I said basically it means your mum has lots to say and is always talking!!! 
I do hope what I share with you all is useful to some of you.  I have always had a a very strong ethic of sharing information I gain with others so whether you use it or not I will be sharing!!!  So I must apologise to those of you that get facebook communications on your phone and keep getting a new notification from Maria!!!
So thank you Lin the perfume is lovely and has my daughters name Jasmine in it, how apt!! xxxx

Criminal Youth

This is what we are currently look at for Rachel, we are only one lesson in but I get the feeling I am going to enjoy this, it is already very interesting.

This link is to one of four programmes on BBC I player that Rachel and Victoria were talking about called Our Crime.

Having looked online at the Guardian there is an enormous amount of reading around this subject!!

There was a really interesting Guardian article concerning the age of criminal responsibility which is something we discussed in class.  This article states that the human brain is not mature until the early to mid-twenties.  However after the summer riots people aged 18 years and over were treated as adults, with the judge stating that each and everyone of them knew exactly what they were doing.  On the other hand Germany sometimes choose to use the juvenile court for people aged 21 years and  under as they are of the opinion that offenders up to the age of 21 years can be immature